I am

Chas Findley

I am grateful to connect with my community through this trade.

I have been tattooing since I was 17, falling in love with this ancient craft. I pursued it after finishing public education by getting myself a local apprenticeship. After a 2 and a half year training, I earned the title, professional, at age 21. I worked at a custom tattoo street studio in Southern California for 3 years, gaining much wisdom in my early years. I hold gratitude in my heart for the growth I experienced, and those that taught me. I went on to travel through Central America, tattooing in countries like Guatemala and Nicaragua. Once returning state side, back in Southern California, I began working in a different studio for about 2 years. 

Currently rooted in SE Portland, Oregon. I have a fondness for using nature and fantasy imagery to cater to the natural flow of the body. I love the nature that surrounds the PNW and you will see my art represent this. I am a lover of the fae folk and the fantasy kind, I believe in them to inspire reflection of the beauty, that is our life on this planet. Therefore, I love creating fantasy characters and imagery. Leaning towards black and grey (with white highlights) tattooing, I only use black and white inks, they hold an ancient truth, a classic and timeless beauty.

Let us co-create magick.

Thank you.